Healing Treatments

If you are feeling lost, unbalanced, disconnected or just in need of nurturing and relaxing, it sounds like you need some Good Vibes Healing work. 

I've always loved all types of massage, reiki, healing work and in my own explorations into these modalities, I realised I was being called to learn about these ancient techniques myself in order to help others.

I've studied Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Meditation and Reiki. And I keep learning; I keep reading, absorbing and interpreting these healing gifts through my own human experiences to bring forth an offering under Good Vibes Gang to help nurture and support others.

I've always been highly intuitive, guided to different healing experiences and felt an inner calling to live quite a "pure" lifestyle from a young age. I personally seek healing work that lets me fully surrender to just leave it all on the table and walk out feeling lighter and brighter. My intention is to create the same experience for my clients. 

I have three in person Healing Session offerings because the human touch is where I believe my gifts are best utilised. It's also during the in person experience that my intuition and messages for that client come through. I intuitively connect through the practice of Reiki with what that client needs as their top priority; what their spirit and body is calling for. 

Please note Gift Vouchers are available for Healing Treatments here. 


* What: Unplug, let go, melt into the table and let me charge your battery

* Modalities Used: A combination of Reiki, Chakra Healing and Crystal Healing

* How: Table & Customer is fully clothed

* Result: The client will connect to their true self again, removing negative energy, unblocking any stagnant energy around various chakras and helping realign and connect the body and mind with a truly grounding experience. Crystals will be chosen specifically to support the individual clients needs. 


* What: Let nature's oils and a knowing touch help take you to a dream like state

* Modalities Used: Aromatherapy Oil light touch massage with Reiki

* How: Table & Customer is in underwear only with towels 

* Result: The client relaxes deeply during a luxurious and nurturing light touch massage using the power of Doterra essential oils to support a deep state of inner balance. Reiki is also used to further this healing work. 

**** Not Recommended for Pregnant Women****


* What: Let go and surrender for the ultimate nurturing and relaxing where you'll float away to a sacred space. 

* Modalities Used: Aromatherapy Oil light touch massage with Reiki, Crystal healing & Chakra Balancing 

* How: Table & Customer is in underwear only with towels 

* Result: The absolute ultimate healing experience with every tool in my toolbox used to give the client the most relaxing, nurturing and supportive session where they leave feeling connected and at one. The power of the botanical oils will dissolve into your body renewing and healing you for days to come. This is the treatment you want to reset and recharge. 


"I'm always transported into a deeply relaxing and peaceful state during Kate's sessions. Her combination of Reiki, essential oils, energy work and intuitive guidance leaves me feeling connected, energised and rebalanced. She holds a beautifully present and supportive space; allowing me to drop in fully and receive the magical gifts that arise from our time together" Claire K

"One of the most relaxing and nurturing treatments I've had in a long time. I came into my session feeling mentally and physically fatigued but the calming, warm and supportive space that Kate provides together with the healing reiki and beautiful essential oils put me into a profound state of peace and relaxation.  Last night I had the best nights sleep in a long time. The mind-body connection is a powerful force and Kate is well attuned to it." Claire S

"Kate's healing work is so calming; it was my monthly gift to myself!" Fiona

"I love massage but this aromatherapy healing is so much more. Not only did I feel relaxed but the oils made me feel clearer, calmer and more in touch with myself afterwards. Highly recommend" Sarah

"Kate just got what I needed. She helped me clear some old feelings, connect with what I needed to know and had some messages for me that made me feel so comforted at a challenging time." Jemma

"Her touch was so calming. I felt so relaxed and feel asleep but woke up feeling so much better. Plus the oils felt so amazing. And my runny nose cleared up almost immediately after!" David

"From the moment we began, I felt like this was what I needed. To just let go of all the parental responsibilities and just do something for me. Now I go every 2 months and I ask my family for vouchers for her healing sessions for all gifts ... its the ultimate switch off for me." Jo 

"I had just lost my brother when my wife bought me a session with Kate. She helped me let go of the pent up grief and held me. She reminded me its okay to let it out and I felt so much more connected to myself and my brother again. It was actually really special." Dean 


Booking an Appointment:

Email: magic@goodvibesgang.com.au

Phone: 0413 000 604 (please leave a message if phone is unattended)

Location: Clunes, Byron Hinterland